How to Become a Bail Bondsman

If you’ve ever found yourself searching for “bail bonding near me” or wondering things like, “Can you get bailed out of jail on the weekend?” or “How do bail bonds work?,” you may have inadvertently stumbled upon a profession that plays a crucial...

Bail Bond Services for Misdemeanors in California

Facing either a felony or misdemeanor charge in California can be a harrowing experience, but knowing your options and understanding the legal process can make a significant difference. At Frank Calabretta’s Roseville Bail House, we’re here to shed light...

What Happens After an Arrest in Roseville, CA?

Facing an arrest is a challenging and bewildering experience. During these moments,  understanding the best next steps make the difference between getting out of jail quickly or drawing out the ordeal. If you find yourself or a loved one in this situation in the...