You Might Need Anytime Bail Bonds If…

You might need anytime bail bonds if you partied a little too hard with your sparklers on 4th of July and caused a fire hazard. Or maybe you had a little too much to drink at the Christmas party and crashed into Santa’s sleigh on the way home. Surely, you’ll want to...

Avoiding Bankruptcy Fraud

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) once estimated that 10% of bankruptcy filings are fraudulent, or at least in part. Consequences of this type of fraud, whether it was done intentionally or not, are very serious and can haunt an individual for years. The good...

5 Legal Terms You Should Know

Many people who have no personal experiences with the judicial system are ill-equipped to follow along with the terminology used. Not being familiar with legal jargon can add a whole new layer of stress while you post a bail bond to get out of jail, appear at court...

The Beginnings of Bail and its Reform

As a result of California’s recent bail reform, many people are taking a closer look at the judicial system as it relates to bail bonds and the release of defendants pretrial. Although bail reformation is a complex subject with hugely impactful outcomes on either side...