What Information Will Your Bail Bond Agency Need?

If you are facing arrest or supporting a loved one who is being arrested, seeking out the assistance of a bail bond agency can be a great step towards getting the help you need. Understanding what information is required by a bail bond company, like Frank...

Understanding Immigration Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are designed to help defendants get out of jail while they wait for their court date, but what about immigrants who need one? The laws and regulations around immigration bail bonds can be complex, but these bonds can also be a lifeline to many, offering a...

The Essential Guide to Proper Courtroom Etiquette

Just like it often seems in the movies, a real-life courtroom can be an intense place where crucial decisions are made, justice is served, and individuals’ futures hang in the balance. Whether you find yourself there as a defendant, witness, or supporter,...

What Happens if a Defendant Fails to Appear in Court?

When it comes to legal proceedings and court appearances, it is absolutely imperative that a defendant adheres to judicial orders. However, there are instances where a defendant fails to appear in court as required, whether due to negligence, fear, forgetfulness, or...