Roseville Bail Bonds Blog

A Parent's Guide to Navigating the California Legal Landscape with a Juvenile Arrest

Written by Tory Dancu | Aug 19, 2024 5:04:37 PM
Teenager arrested and don’t know where to turn? Facing the arrest of a child is undoubtedly one of the most challenging situations a parent can experience. In California, it’s critical to understand the legal process, know the answer to the question “how do bail bonds work,” learn the difference between bail and bond, and understand the available options for securing your child’s release. This guide from Bail House Roseville will provide parents with the necessary information to know when dealing with a juvenile arrest.

Bail and Bond Difference  

Bail and bond difference is actually very straightforward. When a juvenile is arrested, it’s essential to understand the distinction between bail and bond – but it’s not as complicated as it seems! Bail is the amount set by the court that must be paid for the temporary release of the accused. On the other hand, a bond is a surety provided by a bail bond company to secure the release of the juvenile, covering the bail amount if the individual fails to appear in court.

Juvenile Arrest and Detention Center

In California, individuals under the age of 18 are generally processed in the juvenile justice system. If your teenager is arrested, they may be taken to a juvenile detention center rather than an adult jail. It’s important to understand this distinction, since the procedures and consequences can differ significantly.

Can You Get Bailed Out of Jail on the Weekend?

Legal issues don’t adhere to a Monday-to-Friday schedule, and parents often wonder if it’s possible to secure the release of their child over the weekend. The answer is yes! You can get bailed out of jail on the weekend, and, in many cases, you can bail out a minor as well. Many bail bond companies operate 24/7, ensuring that assistance is available whenever it’s needed.

How Do Bail Bonds Work?

Bail bonds offer a solution for parents who may find it challenging to pay the entire bail amount for their child upfront. Here’s a brief summary of how bail bonds work:

  1. Parents will contact a reputable bail bond company like Frank Calabretta’s Bail House in Roseville. 
  2. Parents then provide necessary information about the juvenile’s arrest.
  3. Parents will pay a percentage of the bail amount (typically ten percent in California) to the bail bond company.
  4. The bail bond company posts the full bail amount to secure the release of the juvenile.
  5. The individual is released from custody with the understanding that they must appear in court for all required hearings.

When Facing a Juvenile Arrest, Call Bail House

Navigating the legal system when your teenager is arrested requires knowledge and careful consideration of all available options. Now that you understand the bail and bond difference, know the juvenile arrest and detention process, and recognize that bail bonds are accessible even on weekends, you have some tools to help you deal with this challenging situation.

In times of crisis, a reliable bail bond company can provide the necessary support to reunite families and guide your family through the legal journey ahead. 

Call us at (916) 782-7048 24-hours a day, seven days a week for reliable, friendly, confidential service.