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Can You Bail Someone Out of Jail on a Sunday?

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Can you bail someone out of jail on a Sunday? It’s a common question we get asked here at Bail House in Roseville, and one with an easy answer…YES! If you choose to work with a reputable agency that offers anytime bail bonding such as ours, you can bail someone out of jail any day of the week.


Anytime Bail Bonding for Convenient Service

Bail House is located in Roseville near the Placer County Jail, and anytime bail bonding is a breeze with such a convenient location. If you need a bail bond on a Sunday, we are open! If you need a bail bond in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday, we are open! And… if you need a bail bond on a holiday weekend in the middle of the night, we are open then as well! Our anytime bail bonding is just that… any time!

What to Know

There are many things to know about the bail bond process that can be helpful, especially if you’ve never gone through it before or if you are trying to post bail on behalf of someone else like a friend or family member. Follow these handy tips, so that the next time someone else asks you, “Can you bail someone out of jail on a Sunday?” not only can you say, “yes,” but you can explain the entire process to them.

#1. Talk to the Defendant

If you are trying to help bail someone out of jail, make sure you talk to the defendant as soon as possible. Ask what the bail amount has been set at and if they’ve been processed into the court system yet. Sometimes, depending on the time of the arrest and the availability of staffing at the jail, it may take several hours for someone to be processed into the system. This is because after the arrest, not only do they have to be brought into the jail, but their information must be collected, their mugshots have to be taken, bail has to be set, and charges must be read. Once all of this information is entered into the system and they are booked into jail, the bail can usually be paid.

#2. Determine if Bail Can be Payed or if a Bail Bond is Needed

Bail is simply the amount of money owed to the court system to secure someone’s release from jail while they await their court date. A bail bond however, is needed when a defendant cannot afford to bail him or herself out of jail. This is often the case as the court will set the bail amount at a high rate that incentivizes the defendant to return for their appointed court date.

#3. Make Sure You Understand How the System Works

Many people don’t realize that the defendant is responsible for showing up to their court date or the bail money is lost. If you are thinking of bailing a friend or family member out of jail with your own funds, it is essential that you know that your money is on the line should he or she not show up to their scheduled court date. If the court date arrives and they fail to show up, the court system does not return the bail money and that is bad news for you.

Sometimes, depending on the circumstance, the court will work with you to arrange a time extension so that you can find the defendant and deliver him or her to court. This can put a strain on your relationship with the defendant of course. In this case, if you are successful at bringing the defendant in, the money is typically still returned minus the court fees.

The Benefits of Using a Bail Company

The benefit of going through a company like Bail House for your bond is that it is not your money, but the bail bondsman’s that is on the line if the defendant fails to show up for the court date.

If you obtain a bail bond from Bail House, we pay the court on behalf of the defendant. This means that if the defendant does not show up, we are on the hook for the money. Typically courts will work with us to allow us to hire a bounty hunter to bring the defendant in, and at that point will refund the bail bond money to us, but it becomes our job to find them and hold them accountable in the court system, not yours.

For this reason, many people choose Bail House for anytime bail bonding because we have many years of experience, and doing so takes the financial burden off of you in case the defendant behaves irresponsibly.

Anytime Bail Bonding for Smooth Processing Day or Night

At Bail House our anytime bail bonding is smooth and convenient for both the defendants and their friends and family because you never know when an arrest will happen. With anytime bail bonding, you never have to worry about the Bail House being closed and your loved one having to sit in jail overnight or for multiple days on a weekend. It is our promise to always be standing by and ready to help with anytime bail bonding in Northern California. Call us at (916) 782-7048 anytime and ask to get the Roseville bail bonds process started to get out of jail fast!