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Shoplifting Penalties in California

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Shoplifting is a crime that has been on the rise, but did you know it often has much more serious consequences than people realize? In California, the legal system takes a stern stance against shoplifting, imposing strict penalties to deter this all-too-common offense. 

Being a longtime local bail house, we are well-versed in the nuances of the legal system and want to help our community understand common misconceptions about this crime. In this article, we’ll discuss if shoplifting is considered a felony, the potential repercussions of shoplifting, and the importance of seeking assistance from reputable bail bond services like Bail House Roseville should you find yourself or a loved one in this unfortunate situation.

Understanding Shoplifting Penalties in California

Shoplifting in California is governed by the state’s theft laws, which classify the crime based on the value of the stolen goods. The penalties vary depending on whether the offense is charged as a misdemeanor or a felony.

  1. Misdemeanor Shoplifting Penalties: Shoplifting offenses involving merchandise valued at less than $950 are typically treated as misdemeanors. Misdemeanor penalties may include fines, probation, community service, and mandatory theft education programs. Offenders may also find themselves facing up to six months in county jail.
  2. Felony Shoplifting Penalties: Shoplifting can generally be charged as a felony if the stolen goods are valued at $950 or more, or if the offender has a prior conviction for certain theft-related offenses. Felony shoplifting penalties are significantly more severe, oftentimes resulting in substantial fines, longer jail or prison sentences, and a permanent criminal record.

Is Shoplifting a Felony in California in Every Case?

The determination of whether shoplifting is considered a felony depends on the specific circumstances of the case. As mentioned above, if the stolen goods exceed $950 in value, the offense may be charged as a felony in the state of California. Repeat California shoplifting offenders may also face felony charges, regardless of the value of the stolen items.

The Importance of Seeking Speedy Legal Assistance

Facing shoplifting charges in California can be stressful and overwhelming, and engaging the services of an experienced criminal defense attorney is often the best way to navigate legal complexities and minimize potential long-term consequences. Additionally, securing the assistance of reputable bail bond services, such as Roseville Bail House, can be essential in securing the release of a friend or loved one during the legal process.

Shoplifting Punishment and Legal Recourse

Beyond hefty fines and incarceration, individuals convicted of shoplifting may also be ordered to pay restitution to the affected store. This is intended to compensate the retailer for any losses incurred due to the theft.

We Are Here to Help!

Understanding the shoplifting penalties in California is vital for community members to make informed decisions for themselves or loved ones who find themselves facing the serious consequences associated with this offense. If you or a family member is facing shoplifting charges, seeking legal representation is often the first step towards ensuring a fair and just legal process. 

Additionally, the support of reliable bail bond services like ours can provide the necessary assistance during this challenging time. Bail House in Roseville, California is highly experienced and has been a consistent pillar of the community for over forty years. Contact us by calling (916) 782-7048 anytime day or night. 

We are ready to help, 24-hours a day, seven days a week to provide a swift and reliable response to those in need of bail assistance in the face of shoplifting charges.