Roseville Bail Bonds Blog

Why You Shouldn't Wait for Trial in Jail

Written by Rachel North | Aug 19, 2024 4:55:13 PM

When the unfortunate occurs and you find yourself in jail awaiting a court date, it is easy to consider saving money by waiting it out in jail. While this might sound like a good idea at first, it can actually cause more difficulties in the long run.

When you are in jail rather than at home, it’s much more difficult to plan the defense for your court case and it can also cause long-term damage to your family, mental and physical health, and finances.


We’re Here to Help at Bail House No Hassle Bail Bonds

Even if your bail is set high, it’s not usually a good idea to remain in custody until your court date. At Bail House we have experienced bail bond agents who can discuss your options with you and help you post no hassle bail bonds quickly.

With over 40 years of bail bonds Roseville experience, we are pros in getting people out of jail quickly and efficiently. We truly are your premier bail bond company in Northern California.


Potential Job Loss and Financial Risks

Oftentimes if you have multiple days, weeks, or even months or more behind bars, you risk losing your job or shuttering your business. Even though a bail bond may be costly, it generally saves you money in the long run.

Just compare the bail bond amount to the amount that you could lose from closing your business, taking extended time off of work, or returning to an eviction notice.


Worrying About Additional Child Care

Remaining incarcerated if you have children can be a heartbreaking experience for parents and kids alike. This also means you will probably need childcare support which adds additional expense. Paying for an attorney and getting your case resolved should be a priority.

Spending money on childcare is an extra expense you shouldn’t have to deal with. Getting out of jail with 24 hour bail bonds will make sure you can maintain your employment and save you time, stress, and money overall.


Risks to Your Physical and Mental Health

Because bathrooms, cafeterias, communal areas, and recreational facilities are generally shared by a large group of people in a jail setting, the risk of coming down with an illness increases. Chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes complicate things as well, and the type and level of care that you will most likely receive in jail will not be the same as your private practitioner would provide.

Additionally, because of the close quarters in communal living areas, colds and flu viruses are likely to spread quicker between individuals. The last thing you need during this difficult time in your life is to suffer physical health consequences on top of things.


Speedy Trials or More Time to Prepare Your Case?

In California, defendants who are charged with felonies have a right, according to state law, to go to trial within 60 days. A speedy trial is a constitutional right for criminal defendants according to the sixth amendment of the United States Constitution.

However, even though your trial may be speedy, preparing for it often takes a great deal of work and planning. Because of this, many times defendants in criminal cases might actually decide to waive their right to a speedy trial, thus giving their attorney more time to prepare their defense.


Deciding to Waive Your Right to a Speedy Trial

If you do decide to waive this right, it could actually be months or years before your case goes to trial, and even though you and your defense attorney will likely be more prepared, you definitely don’t want to spend that entire time behind bars.

When preparing for your case, you will need to do a variety of things such as:

  • Find an attorney
  • Meet with your attorney
  • Collect evidence for your defense
  • Analyzing said evidence
  • Preparing legal research
  • Identify and locate witnesses
  • Interview and prepare witnesses to testify
  • Discuss the possible outcomes of your case


Let Our 24 Hour Bail Bonds Service Help

Helping you get out of jail fast is what we are here for at Bail House. If you feel like you are not able to afford a bail bond all by yourself, you can also choose to enlist family or friends that you trust to cosign on your behalf.


Bail Bonds Roseville – Payment Options

We accept several different payment options to make the no hassle bail bond process smooth and easy. You can pay instantly over the phone with a credit card so that you don’t have to leave work during the day or leave your home in the middle of the night to bail out a friend or family member. We also accept cash, check or money order if that is preferable.


Contact Us Now, Don’t Wait in Jail!

Call us at Bail Bonds in Roseville, CA at (916) 782-7048. You can also have a trusted friend or family member call on your behalf. We look forward to helping you make the bail bond process as smooth as possible.